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The 5 Pilars, The Quran, & The Sharia Law

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The 5 Pilars, The Quran, & The Sharia Law

By: Jonathan Goh & Alan Huo

First Pillar (Shahada)

  • Is the declaration of Faith
  • States that there is only one God
  • Muhammad is the messenger
  • Affected Islamic people because they don't worship Muhammed
  • Instead they worship God, and God only

Second Pillar (Salat)

  • Consists of 5 daily prayers
  • Prayers are done at certain times throughout the day
  • Muslims can perform their prayers anywhere
  • Affects the Islamics by allowing them to stay connected with their beliefs

Third Pillar (Zakat)

  • When the financially stable families share their wealth with the poor 
  • All things belong to God
  • Only the rich must perform this pillar, the poor are exempt
  • This affects the Islamic people by improving the economic society

Fourth Pillar (Sawm)

  • This pillar represents fasting
  • Fasting is to seek forgiveness from God
  • Express gratitude and dependence on him (God)
  • Affects the Islamic people because it allows them to repent their sins

Fifth Pillar (Hajj)

  • It is a journey that Muslims must take in their lifetime
  • Mass gathering of Muslims that pray together
  • Shows devotion to God
  • Affects the Islamics because the pilgrimage shows a strive for improvement


  • The written sayings of Muhammad
  • This affected the Islam tradition by allowing anyone a copy of his words

Sharia Laws

  • Code of law derived from the Quran/the teachings of Muhammad
  • States, under Islamic law there is no separation of church & state
  • This is only applicable to Muslim people
  • Affects Muslims because it is the foundation of what they follow