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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Globalization is a big part of Americas economy and trade. Without globalization the people and the culture we have wouldn't exist today.

Photo by Earthworm

One of the reasons the U.S has a high economy is because it has the ability to bring fourth new and innovative products by using the collective thoughts of diverse individuals. In the text it said, "the biggest advantage is the spread of ideas".

Photo by sandy.redding

That idea is explained within the text of the article, for example there was a part where it talked about the different styles of clothing and how it evolved from the collective ideas of diverse cultured people, and It isn't just clothing it can also be the rapidly innovative technology. Thees are two of the largest economies, in the text it says, "People in Britain dispose of 100,000tons of e-waist per year, including televisions". This shows that there is a high consumption of technology. America is also one of the highest, if not the highest producer of technology.

Photo by swan-t

The U.S is the largest importer, and the second largest exporter In the world. In order to maintain such a high amount of triad the U.S must have good global relations with other countries.

Photo by ecstaticist

If the united sates weren't as globalized it would be less likely for the U.S to have such high trade, because they wouldn't have global relations. The reason why global relations are so important is because without good relations everything else will collapse. For example, if there is someone you don't like and they want to trade a sandwich for a bag of chips it is less likely for you to make the trade.

Photo by ecstaticist

The U.S is economically efficient, they trade with other countries that aren't good at manufacturing products that the U.S is proficient in making, and in exchange they trade for products that are harder to aquire. This is efficient because they receive income from their main product and also receive products that they want.

Photo by trilanes

The article also expresses this, for example "Country x is equally able to produce toothbrushes and cooking pots. Country z can produce toothbrushes four times as fast as it can produce cooking pots. To make the most of its comparative advantage, country z should only focus on making toothbrushes, and stop making cooking pots. Country z can beginning to trade with country x for cooking pots. Country x can shift some of its production of toothbrushes to cooking pots to benefit from increased trade with country z.

Photo by Mel B.

Globalization is very important for a growing economy. The exchange of ideas, the relationships, and the efficiency of trade make it easier to grow and develop economically.

Photo by Great Beyond