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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by fractalSpawn


  • He thought Earth was the center of all things
  • He thought that the sun orbited Earth
  • He made models of stars, the sun, and other planets orbiting Earth
  • He created the term parallax
  • Parallax is the apparent shift in the position of an object when viewed from different locations.


  • He was not only a astronomer but he was also a mathematician
  • He proposed a heliocentric model of the solar system
  • He tried to measure the distance between the moon and the sun
  • His theory was not widely accepted at the time
  • His ratio of distance was much to small but still was important


  • He was a astronomer, geographer, and a mathematician
  • He lived in Egypt
  • He made a book called the Almagest
  • He believed that a celestial body traveled at a constant speed in a perfect circle
  • His beliefs allowed prediction of the motion of planets years in the future


  • He was a Polish astronomer
  • He felt that Ptolemy's model of the solar system was too complicated
  • He developed the first detailed heliocentric model of the solar system.
  • All his data was based off only his eyes
  • Developed the first step to a modern model of the solar system


  • A German mathematician and astronomer
  • He didn't think circular planetary motion was correct
  • He found that the path ellipses fit best
  • He formulated three principles know as Kepler's laws
  • He thought planets move faster in orbit when they are closer to the sun


  • His questions were what we would call scientific methods
  • Made big improvements to the telescope
  • He was able with his new telescope to view celestial objects
  • He observed the moons orbiting Jupiter
  • He taught us that earth was not the only thing the could be orbited