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Bill Of Rights

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

Photo by Ben Hutchison

Proposed to assuage the fears of Anti-Federalists who had opposed Constitutional ratification, these amendments guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public.

Photo by Axel.Foley

Originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, however, most were subsequently applied to the government of each state by way of the Fourteenth Amendment, through a process known as incorporation.

Photo by VinothChandar

On June 8 1789 representative James Madison introduced a series of thirty-nine
Amendments to the constitution in the house
Hose of representatives.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Among his recommendations Madison proposed opening up the Constitution and inserting specific rights limiting the power of Congress in Article One, Section 9.

Seven of these limitations would became part of the ten ratified Bill of Rights amendments.

Ultimately, on September 25, 1789, Congress approved twelve articles of amendment to the Constitution and submitted them to the states for ratification.

Photo by just.Luc

Contrary to Madison’s original proposal that the articles be incorporated into the main body of the Constitution, they were proposed as "supplemental" additions to it.

Photo by aperture_lag

On December 15, 1791, Articles Three–Twelve, having been ratified by the required number of states, became Amendments One–Ten of the Constitution.

On May 7, 1992, after an unprecedented period of 202 years, 225 days, Article Two crossed the Constitutional threshold for ratification and became the Twenty-seventh Amendment. As a result, Article One alone remains unratified and still pending before the states.