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{Elaine, Savannah, Margot}

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Love and Loss

Elaine Slusser, Savannah Elpers, Margot Bond
Photo by Javier Volcan

behold me for I cannot sleep

and like a guilty thing I creep

Photo by Hideya Aita

he put our lives so far apart

we cannot hear each other speak

let darkness keep her raven gloss

ah, sweeter to be drunk with loss

nor blame I death, because he bare

the use of virtue out of earth

I hear thee where the waters run

thou standest in the rising sun
Photo by FreeWine

my love involves the love before; my love is vaster passion now

I prosper, circled with thy voice;

I shall not lose thee though I die
Photo by danielito311

that men may rise on stepping stones

of their dead selves to higher things
Photo by aloucha