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Published on Dec 01, 2015

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Extending a countries power.
Photo by Tobias Higbie


A controlled state that is protected by another.


The belief that English speaking countries are superior.

Social Darwinism

The evolution of man and the survival of the fittest.

Spanish-American War

The conflict between Spain and the US because America intervened Cuba's war for independence. 

Yellow Journalism

Journalism based on extreme exageration.
Photo by planeta

Great White Fleet

When the US Navy ships were around the world to show power.
Photo by onebadpenny

Boxer Rebellion

A Chinese secret organization that led an uprising.
Photo by eugene

Open Door Policy

To secure agreement with the U.S. Policy. 

Dollar Diplomacy

To expand by garenteeing loans to forgien countries. 

Roosevelt Corollary

It was added to the Monroe Doctrine after the Venezuela Crisis of 1902-1903.
Photo by cliff1066™

Big Stick Diplomacy

The theory that leaders want peace but also want nations to know of their power. 

Moral Diplomacy

The system of nations giving support to only nations whose morals are the same as theirs. 

Panama Canal

Connects the Atlantic to the Pacific for faster travel and new markets.


To be apart from the political afairs of other countries.
Photo by VCU Libraries


Information used to promote the war.


The biggest British passenger ship.
Photo by The Loud 1


The belief that a country should maintain a strong military.
Photo by Photocapy


When countries unite for mutual benefits.
Photo by Karen Roe


The belief that what the state wants is most important.
Photo by MattBritt00

Zimmerman Telegraph

Germany sent a telegraph to Mexico to invade Texas.
Photo by denzombie

War Industries Board

Created to purchase war supplies. 

Victory Garden

A home garden to produce more food during the war.
Photo by Robert T Bell

Liberty Bonds

A way to financialy support the war.

Wilson's 14 points

Program for world peace.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

League of Nations

An organization created after the Paris Peace Conference.

The Great Migration

6 Million African Americans move up North to the Urban cities. 

Henry Cabot Lodge

American Republican Senator. 
Photo by cliff1066™

Queen Liliuokalani

Queen of Hawaii.
Photo by K. Kendall

Alfred T. Mahan

Navy admiral and was the most important strategist of the century.
Photo by Damian Gadal

Joseph Pulitizer

He was a journalist and newspaper publisher.

William Randolph Hearst

Newspaper publisher and crearted the biggest newspaper chain.

William Mckinley

25th President of the U.S. He was assassinated in 1901. 
Photo by cliff1066™

Theodore Roosevelt

26th President of the United States.
Photo by Wesley Fryer

Woodrow Wilson

28th President of the U.S. from 1913-1921.
Photo by Jared Enos

Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Archduke of Austria-Hungary. Assasinated in 1914