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wright brothers

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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wright brothers

inquiry question

  • what difficulties did the right brothers go through


  • i think they had troubles finding the right materils


  • They thoght it wauld be balenced like a bike
  • The right wing was not working
  • They had to come up with a way to steer the plane
  • No one has bilt a plain before
  • The engine was to heavy

how they over came challenges

  • They made controles for the plain
  • They balenced out the plain so it was steady
  • They made the right wing stronger
  • Oville made it yo nasa
  • Made a light wight engine

reason the person is a hero today

  • The Wright brothers inspired 
  • people to make better planes
  •  like a space ship and a giant
  • passenger plane.

how it started

  • The Wight brothers wer born in 1867 & Oville was 
  • born 4 years later they started by bilding bikes but 
  • they got borde of that so they started to make flying 
  • macheines and then they did it they flew it across the 
  • beach and was in the air for 12 secondes.


  • 100 people who made history
  • google safe search
  • cultre grames
  • advanced image search
  • ask.com