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'Twas The Nigh Before Christmas

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Twas the night before Christmas in all through the house not a peep was made not even the mouse.

Photo by Sterneck

The stocking were placed over the fireplace with time and good care.

Photo by andrewmalone

In with dreams that St. Nick would soon be there.

Photo by AlicePopkorn

The childern were in their rooms as quiet as mice all fast asleep all snug in their beds.

The dreams of presents danced around in their heads while mama in her warm winter hat and I in my new winter cap had calmed our tired brains for a long good nap.

Photo by harshxpatel

There outside arose such a noise, I jumped from my bed to see what was all the racquet . Away from the window I darted away and flung up the shutters and threw up my pajamas to see what was a matter.

The moon appeared over the snow wondering what else I would see but a large sleigh with tiny 8 raindeer in a blink of the eye I knew it was St. Nick now Dasher now Dancer now Prancer and Vixen on Comet on Cupid on Doner and Blitzen he called them all by name. And on the top of the porch and to the top of the roof they flew.

Photo by patti haskins

On top of the house what do I see oh St. Nick with all the toys for all the little good girls and boys and down the chimney came olé St. Nick he flew down the chimney head down first poof went the fire it all went out now his suit was covered in ashes and soot!

Photo by MikeLawton

Santa was a jolly good ole fellow with rosy checks and a beard as white as snow laughing and chuckling put the presents under the tree

Good ole St. Nick just gave me a nod not word from all he did was go straight to work filling the stocking to the brim loading the tree with presents under neath.

Photo by riekhavoc

After his finished work again all he did gave me a nod a straight up the chimney he went.

Photo by tim ellis

Up on the roof he gave a shout and off a away with his raindeer after that shout this is what I head.
Happy Christmas and to all a good night!

Photo by solyanka