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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Sierra and Luis

Deforestation is the loss and destruction of naturally occurring forests due to human activity, all is not intentional though, some is driven by a combination of natural processes and human interests.

Photo by Dunnock_D

logging, cutting trees for fuel, slash-and-burn agriculture, clearing land for livestock grazing, mining operations, oil extraction, dam building, and urban sprawl or other types of development and population expansion.

Photo by CIFOR

Anthropogenic or Natural Cause?
It is a bit of both. Mainly it's caused by human activities such as slash and burn agriculture, but natural causes such as fires can also have an effect on forests.

Photo by kevin dooley

Effect on Biosphere
The rate of deforestation can cause negative effects on the biosphere, such as higher greenhouse gas levels and the diminishing populations of several species that lose their habitat when forests are cut or burned down.

Photo by DawaFree

Companies can make an impact by introducing zero-deforestation policies that require suppliers to produce commodities such as timber, beef, and paper fiber in a way that has a minimal impact on natural forests and the climate. Companies can also introduce paper procurement policies that set ambitious targets to maximize use of post consumer recycled wood, paper and fiber in their products and ensure that any virgin fiber used is certified by a rigorous third party certification system.