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Photo by Mark Fischer

Garuda is known in Hindu culture as the king of the birds. He has the head, wings, and talons of an eagle.

Photo by aoberg

He is always associated with Vishnu, as their stories are intertwined. When Garuda couldn't find a surface that could support his weight, Vishnu offered his shoulder.

Photo by dalbera

From then on, Garuda supplied Vishnu with a mode of transportation, and he remained a faithful companion.

Photo by devittj

According to myth, Garuda hatched from an egg that was laid by his mother Vinata.

Garuda's father had two wives that constantly bickered. His mother lost a bet to the other mother, resulting in her banishment.

The snakes that guarded her would only accept ambrosia (amrith) as payment for releasing his mother...

Photo by devittj

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Photo by SimonWhitaker

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Photo by Diablo Azul

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...and that is why snakes have forked tongues

Garuda serves as a symbol of dedication, good, and love, because if the risk he took to save his mother.

Despite his status as a minor deity, Garuda is still widely revered today because of his connection to Vishnu.

Photo by { pranav }