Black holes are a space in which no matter can escape because of the such strong gravitational field. Black holes are created by a star 20 times larger than our sun loosing it's fuel when that happens the gravity pulls in the star because the fuel of the star has been pulling it in the other direction keeping the star stable until the star starts to die and turns into a black hole.A Black hole is Infact not black it is actually no colour because there is no light escaping the Black hole.If a human fell into a black hole,we'll sucked in, you would end up being like toothpaste.
They use a 3 part Soyuz craft launched from Russia - the craft consists of the thrusters for to get out of space and for normal manoeuvring around, supplies and storage that contain oxygen with solar panels and the module that people are in controlling and maintaining the aircraft. The thrusters take it in to the ISS and it stays there for return of the crew . When the time to return home comes the people get back in the rocket or shuttle.As they come through the earths atmosphere the gravity causes a drag on the aircraft slowing it down. They deploy a parachute to slow the aircraft down and land safely on the ground.