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The Age Of Andrew Jackson

Published on Apr 09, 2016

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The Age Of Andrew Jackson

By: Eli McKenzie
Photo by Hammerin Man

Jackson's Governing

  • Jackson was a democrat, who some people believed invented what is known as Jacksonian Democracy.
  • Wealthy people believed that he had an uneducated way of governing.
  • Jackson's governing was based around the common people voice in congress in the country.
Photo by deltaMike

The Spoils System

  • Jackson invented the spoils system, which replaced government officials with new officials.
  • Many people did not believe that this was okay, because they believed that their jobs were for life.
  • Also, wealthy people saw this as a way for Jackson to have his supporters in work in congress.
Photo by deltaMike

the kitchen cabinet

  • Also, wealthy people saw this as a way for Jackson to have his supporters in work in congress.
  • The kitchen cabinet was a group of officials that were Jackson's supporters who helped him make decisions.
  • Wealthy people viewed this as Jackson only looking to the common people or his supporters for ideas for the country.
Photo by deltaMike

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Photo by K e v i n