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Second Life

Published on Nov 25, 2015

A description, history, advantages, disadvantages, educational benefits and application of Second Life.


Second Life

Educational Impact
Photo by ecstaticist

Second life description

  • Online virtual world.
  • A number of free client programs.
  • Residents interact through avatars.
  • Intended for ages 16+, except for school use.
Photo by sciencesque

second life history

  • 1999 - Philip Rosedale formed Linden Lab.
  • 2005-2006 - Gained media attention including cover story in Business Week.
  • 2008 - peak use, SL honored at 59th Annual Technology and Engineering Emmy.
  • 2010 - Announced layoffs of 30% of workforce. 
  • 2013 - SL active user base estimated at 600,000.

second life advantages

  • It's free!!
  • Visualization.
  • Social interaction through collaboration.
  • "Green" environment.
  • Learning opportunities, connectivity, engagement.
Photo by clickykbd

second life disadvantages

  • Learning Curve.
  • Time.
  • Technical problems can slow responses.
  • High speed connections and good graphics needed.
  • Role playing can lead to delusional behavior.
Photo by mariskar

second life educational benefits

  • Visit other countries without leaving classroom.
  • Learn about other cultures.
  • Develop your "people skills."
  • Engage new forms of communication with others.
  • Connect with other online communities.

second life educational benefits

  • Collaboration/interaction.
  • Self-paced learning to suit learning styles.
  • Opportunities to create and share content with others.
  • Integrate within blended learning system.
  • Discover and develop new ways of solving problems.
Photo by David Reeves

second life educational application

  • Interact and move around in a virtual world.
  • Provides for training and delivering lectures.
  • Teach new skills.
  • Work together on projects.
  • Students embrace the game environment.
Photo by garryknight