Apprentice A person under a legal agreement to work for a specific time to learn a craft or skill from a master craftsmen.most apprentices were boys 10-18 years of age
Broadside A large sheet of paper, Printed on one side and used to publicly advertise, announce, our offer political opinions or in the late calonial period.
Loyalist In American whi did not support revolution against Great Britain and was loyal to the king George 111. approximately one third of all American colonies during the Revolutionary war loyal list
Patriot American during the war is supported the calls of revolution. Only about one third of Americans were patriots sometimes you where called a Whig if you where a patriot
Smallpox Deadly and very contagious measles like disease that killed or permanently scarred many people during the 18th-century. Many soldiers where inculated against smallpox.
Tavern A inn our meeting place at all for lodging and sold food and drink for both travelers and regular customers in the colonial area.manyu political discussions and plans were debated at Taverns.