- To be more confident
- To accept myself
- To be comfortable in my body
- To always be myself
- To stick up for what i feel is right
Most teens that have a hard time fitting in or accepting themselves turn to self harm and suffer from depression. For every successful attempt at suicide (he/she kills themselves) 25 others fail or in other words live.
- Be happy with who you are
- Accept that not fitting in with everyone else is ok
- Focus on doing what is right for you
- Make your own decisions
- Choose your own paths and beliefs
Know you're not the only one struggling to achieve these things.
Plenty of people hesitate between wanting to be a unique individual and trying to fit in enough to have friends and be accepted.
Never pass up an opportunity to try something new
"If at first you don't succeed try again"
Never give up on something.
No matter how hard it is always stand up for what you believe in. If you pretend to go along with others when you feel differently you are lying to the world and betraying yourself.
You're going to make mistakes but make sure you own up to them and realize what you did wrong.
Make choices that are good for you even if they aren't the same choices as your friends.
Never hesitate when it comes to talking about your feelings. Opening up to someone can help you make better decisions on your own.
Remember everyone is different. Never be afraid to let the real you shine. Always be yourself.
The biggest mistake you can make is comparing yourself to someone else. You are one of a kind. Find your own talents, gifts, and interests. Go after them and forget how everyone else is doing because only you can be you.
When you are struggling and things get tough never turn to self harm. There is no problem that cannot be overcome.
What did I learn?
I learned that in order to accept myself and be comfortable with who I am I have to find myself and realize it's ok to be different . That I'm not going to fit in with everyone and that's ok