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Organizing your future

Published on Nov 22, 2015

How to portray your vision of a personal and global future.


Organizing your future

Photo by pepe50

Create an outline

  • Your overall view of the future
  • The 4 - 5 aspects of the future you will discuss
Photo by tim caynes

For each of the 4 - 5 aspects of the future, what is your view?

Photo by mcnutcase

Your view for both
(a) the global future
(b) your personal future

Photo by Knight725

Then add to each section that portrays the global future . . .

Photo by blmiers2

. . . mention of what other sources say.

Your overall outline might then look like this:

Aspect 1 (Example, the Global environment)

  • 2050: The global environment.
  • What other sources say about the environment (book, article, video, etc.)
  • Environment & me personally. 

What that might actually look like:

By 2050, the global environment will be affected by many negative factors and will overall be in far worse shape than it is today. Global warming together with population growth and various forms of pollution will result in an environment that is less healthy for animals, plants, and humans. Global warming, especially, may lead to mass extinction of animals and plants as well as loss of land previously used for agriculture.

Photo by szeke

Desert regions of the earth will be enlarged, major portions of the United States will be flooded, and lands previously used for agriculture will be too dry to farm.

Photo by --Filippo--

Climatehotmap.org concurs with my view that global warming will bring changes to agriculture including lower yields, increased need for irrigation, and increased loss of crops due to pests.

Photo by schmechf

Climatehotmap also states that we should expect increased natural disasters and adds that wealthy nations will be in a better position to cope with these changes than poor nations.

Photo by markkilner

The book Anthem shows a future in which human society is totally separate from nature and which people have little interaction with the natural environment.

By the end of the book , however, some people in the society begin to rediscover the natural environment.

Photo by blmiers2

Here in Maine, there will still be people who choose to live close to nature.

Photo by kishjar?

Personally, I plan to live in Maine or one of the northern states -- partly due to the expected changes in climate. Living in a place that has a healthy environment is important to me, so I will likely live in a small town with both agriculture and forests nearby. It will be sad to see trees and animals be negatively impacted by negative changes in climate. However, I will likely live amongst like-minded people who are determined to do all they can to maintain a healthy, sustainable environment.

Photo by ecstaticist


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