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Why Study History ?

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by -Reji

It think a reason why we should study history is the culture because today if we didn't have culture. There would be no christmas and that's what parents like to celebrate with their children and the many different festivals and dances. That are celebrated till this day and if we did not have the dances the festivals there would be no joy in people's lives.

Photo by mohammadali

My best reason to study history is the following :

The Past is so important because we wouldn't have known if the bible exists and if god exists. The bible is also full of old history. There were also great wars that were fought. There were to include great ancient artifacts that were discovered. We would have not known that the people back in the day found great artifacts and discoveries. People wrote about the artifacts, the bible and the wars that were passed on from generations to generations. And thats why we know all about the wonderful artifacts and the wars that were fought for land and most importantly history.

History is important to compare then and now. So we could learn from our mistakes and live a better life then the people in the past.

Photo by Tijs Zwinkels