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Emotional Development

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Emotional development

What it is / Stages
Photo by E_TAVARES

Emotional Development is the process of learning to recognize and express one's feelings and to establish one's identity as a unique person

Photo by Kris Kesiak


  • Changing feelings about themselves, others and the world
  • Emotions gradually become more specific and reconizable


  • Individuality plays a role in emotional responses
  • Atmosphere of home and mood of caregivers impact the baby emotionally

Children express emotions openly until age 2 or 3 when they learn to control their behavior and use language to communicate


Photo by { pranav }

Early in their lives, when ever they are uncomfortable they will show clear distress

Second month: First positive response tends to be smiling

Photo by zubrow

Forth/Fifth Month: they will start to show anger when they are frustrated

Sixth Month: You may notice that they show anxiety- fear of being with unfamiliar people

Seventh/Eighth Month: baby starts loving the company of others

Knowing about your child's Emotional Development helps you to understand and better teach your child

Photo by theqspeaks