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Sergei Yesenin

Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Sergei Yesenin is Russian poet. Yesenin was born in Ryazan province into a peasant family in 1895.
Finished 4 classes of Konstantinovsky shool in 1909, Continued his studies at Christ-Klepiki school from 1909 to 1912.
In summer in 1912 Yesenin moved to Moscow, spent some time working in a butcher's shop, then worked in a publishing house, and then in the print shop. At the same time he studied At philosophical-historical department of the university.
In 1914, at children's magazine "Small World" was first published poems of Yesenin.
In 1918 Yesenin moved to Moscow. In 1919 Yesenin with a group of writers and poets created Imagist group.

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The last two years of life Yesenin held in traveling.At the end of November 1925 the poet falls into a neuropsychiatric clinic. One of his last works was the poem "The Black Man." In the 23 of December Yesenin went to Leningrad,where on the night of December 28 at the hotel "Angleterre" committed suicide.

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