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Zaydie wheatley

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Zaydie wheatley

Seed dispersal
Photo by -Reji

let seeds go

  • Seeds get on animals fur.
  • Also kids get seeds on the clothes.
  • The animals also eat the seeds and remove there waste.
Photo by Vilseskogen


  • Seed travel by fire.
  • These pinecone are burning and can grow new seeds
  • Seed can bur and take out seeds and grow.


  • Kids can blow on dandilions an off they go in the wind.
  • The wind can pick up the dandilion seeds
  • Dandelions are like parachutes that can fly off.
Photo by leFroy


  • Coconuts can fall off and roll away.
  • They can fall in water.
  • Animals can eat the cocnuts and remove there waste.
Photo by SingChan

The End

  • Seed attach on animals fur.
  • Fire can burn and grow new trees.
  • Wind helps seeds travlel to new places.
  • Seeds can fall into water,and they get carried to new places.
Photo by davetoaster