useful/useless: reinterpreting meaning and material

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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reinterpreting meaning and material
Photo by russelldavies

what does it mean for something to have USE?

Photo by laverrue

what is the use of ART?

what about ceramics in particular?

Photo by rishibando


"to scratch" en italiano
Photo by mharrsch

applying underglazes or colored slips and then scratching the surface to reveal the clay body beneathe

a little more about the history of sgraffito...

Photo by


  • used in Europe since the classical era, becoming common in the 16th century
  • signature role in Renaissance art, though most has since weathered away
  • commonly found in African art
  • resurgence in the late 19th c. in Art Nouveau architectural decoration
Photo by ninara

Untitled Slide

Photo by lsmadison

diego romero

alex ortega

demon potters

image via good ceramics press

Untitled Slide

okay, part II
the challenge:


Photo by exfordy

make an object- utilizing all 3 methods of handbuilding techniques- that serves a purpose, but not an obvious one


  • brainstorm
  • sketch
  • diagram
  • repeat (3 ideas by end of class today...)
  • GO!

courtnie wolfgang

Haiku Deck Pro User