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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Good afternoon as everyone already knows I'm bella Lang and I stand up here today to tell you why you should vote for me as SRC for 8white.

To be a leader you need to have followers people that look up to you and say I want to be like them one day or I want to do i that one day. Being a leader is so much more than telling people what to do, that is a job of a boss. A leader get up and has the courage to show how it's done and if one does not succeed then they get up and try again. I feel like this quote by E.M Kelly is relevant to what I'm talking about. 'Remember the difference between a boss and a leader a boss says go a leader says lets go.' But also to be a leader you need to posses many qualities a few of which I will name now.

One: Being persistent. Persistence is a key quality that should be shown in a leader. One mistake should not rule ones life, mistake are there for you to learn from so you can do even better then what you did before. Being knocked down does not show people you are weak but getting back up does show them that you are strong. A bloke named Albort Rubbord said 'a little more persistence, a little for effort and what seemed like hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.' And he is right if you put in 110% and when you fall get back upend try try try agin until you finish you will succeed.

Secondly to be a successful leader you need to be humble. Having the initiative to do something because it is the right thing to do not for attention or for the praise. As Mary Mackillop sad 'never see a need without doing something about it.' And Mary followed her quote she didn't go out and help the poor and less fortunate so she could get a clap on the back or so she could be remembered she did it because she new it was the right thing to do.

To be a leader you need to have courage. Courage to try new things even with the possibility of failing. Courage to stand up for what is right even if you stand alone as Bethany Hamilton says 'courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid, courage means you don't let your fear stop you.' For there to be an act of courage there has to be at least a little bit of fear.

And finally approachable and a good communicator. As a former SRC I know that for someone to be a successful leader you need to be approachable, open to any reasonable suggestions so you can pass them on to be discussed at meetings. Although for this to happen you need to be a good communicator, to be a good communicator you need to be a good listener. Listening to any suggestions and passing them on on your behalf.

I believe I have the qualities that I have just named as I am persistent, humble, have courage and I'm approachable and a good communicator therefore I would be a excellent SRC for 8white. Thankyou all for giving me your attention and time today. Good luck to the other candidates and remember vote one Bella Lang. Thankyou