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U.S Immigration

Published on Nov 06, 2015

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By: Jeremy S, Megan M, Tylor S, and Scott G


  • New trends of immigration are changing communities aross the U.S
  • Legal immigration makes up the largest chunk of U.S population
  • 1992- Most legal immigrants came from Latin America and Europe
  • About 3 quarters of the 43 million foreign-born residents are here legally
  • Immigrants prior to 1871 came from Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden.


  • Chinese workers helped to build the Transcontinental Railroad
  • The first view of America for immigrants was the Statue of Liberty
  • Immigrants from Europe came to Ellis Island to get into America
  • 1871-1921 immigrants came from Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, China, and Japan
  • Italians and polish immigrants worked in the coal mines of the east


  • 1814-The U.S started recording how many immigrants came from other countries
  • 1875-New Federal law denied convicts from coming into the U.S.
  • 1960-limit cap was set at 120,000 immigrants per year in the west hemisphere
  • 1960-170,000 immigrants per year in the eastern hemisphere
  • 1932-Roosevelt shut down immigration in the time of Great Depression


  • 1990-Limit cap increased to 700,000 immigrants per year
  • 2001-present-New law made it easier to exclude terrorists from immigrants
  • New law about anti-terrorism enforced border and interior protection
  • New bill if illegal immigrant gets edu he/she gets legal resedency
  • Limit cap increased to 1,000,000 per year


  • 1717-1769:36,000 convicts transported to British colonies.(Transportation Act of 1717)
  • 1924:Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 limits number of European immigrants in U.S.
  • Labor Appropriation Act of 1924 established the U.S border control. (450 officers)
  • 1940:Alien Registration Act illegal for U.S citizens to advocate, abet, or teach the desire to over throw the government
  • Nationality Act of 1940-First attempt made since the founding of our republic to unify all the laws


  • 1942:Roosevelt signs executive order 9066. Sends tens of thousands of Japanese Americans to internmet camps
  • 1943:Bracero Program brings 5,000,000 Mexican laborers to work on U.S farms and railroads in 22 yr period
  • 1964: Bracero Program ends
  • 1986: Immigration Reformed and Control Act grants legal status to qualifying immigrants who entered U.S.
  • 2000: Bring Them Home Alive Act grants refugee status to foreigners who lived from Vietnam/Korean Wars

The original plan for immigrants were to move here temporally until they got enough money to support their family back home.