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Published on Nov 18, 2015

A presentation on the biodiversity of raccoons



Biodiversity speicies report 


  • A  full grown raccoon can range from 24" to 38" 
  • and their weight is anywhere from 14lbs to 23lbs
  • Their size depends on habitat and food
  • Raccoon fur can be greyish/brownish/redish and they
  • have dark masks around their eyes
Photo by R4vi

taxonomic classification

  • Class: Carnivora                   Phylum: Chordata 
  • Order: Mammalia                 Kingdom: Animalia
  • Family: Procyonidae
  • Genus: Procyon
  • Species: Lotor 
Raccoons become the biggest animal in the Procyonidae family when they are fully grown.
Photo by jhoc

RAccoon names

  • Scientific: Procyon lotor
  • Nicknames: Raccoon,Mapache, Mapachín
  • Zorra Manglera, Raton Laveur
  • The Raccoons scientific name translates to "before
  • dog-washer"
Photo by Rene Mensen

Geographical location

  • Racoons can typically be found wherever water and 
  • food is available 
  • Though they do tend to stay away from dry climates
  • Originally raccoons lived in moist forest like areas but can
  • now be found in urban and suburban areas


  • Raccoons are native to North America, South America,
  • Mexico, and Canada
  • Raccoons have been introduced to places in Europe and
  • Asia
Photo by liquidnight


  • The raccoon's status on the red list is LC (least concerned)
  • Raccoon population is said to be increasing, though there
  • is no exact number
  • Overall the Raccoon population is not being threatened, 
  • the raccoon species is a thriving one 
Photo by LightIsBeauty

Role within their ecosystem

  • Raccoons can play a big impact on there enviroment
  • if they are the main prey or have a main prey of a 
  • certain species
  • For example, if a raccoon population is high and they
  • feed on the frogs in the area, frog population decreases
Photo by Dan Coulter

Value for humans

  • Raccoon fur used to be, but is no longer valuable 
  • Raccoons = health concerns for humans and pets 
  • Though their fur has little value they are still hunted regularly 
  • A possible benefit of raccoons is that they could pollinate plants
  • with their fur and travelling around
Health concerns:
A raccoons diet varies from small insects to berries to human leftovers. So when come to eat trash or pet food that may be left outside they can track disease with them

Little fur value:
Even though a raccoons fur has little value, they are still hunted for fun. especially in places like georgia
Photo by ingridtaylar

Threats to the organism

  • Though raccoons have been prey to coyotes and  
  • mountain cats, they are mostly affected by disease
  • and humans.
  • Cars and rabies act as a bigger threat than any 
  • mountain cats.
Photo by k_dellaquila

Laws to Protect Raccoons

  • Owning and hunting raccoons without the proper
  • license is illegal
  • There are exceptions to killing this animal for farmers, 
  • though farmers must try and eliminate the cause firstly

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Photo by Adrian.Jelley

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