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Crucifixion -

A form of execution developed by the Phoenicians and perfected by the Romans

Jewish leaders executed by strangling, burning, beheading and stoning

stoning would occur after a person was pushed over an 11 foot cliff, and a huge rock was dropped on his chest - and if that didn't kill him, he would be pelted with rocks until dead

hanging was sometimes employed, but usually that meant hanging the body in public for display after being stoned to death....gruesome

rabbi's serving as judges would sentence some one to death for either idolatry or blasphemy

but were usually very reluctant to do so.....and the practice was to fast the day of sentencing in order to be as open to God's voice about the matter as possible......

Yet Jesus was so hated there was no reluctance on the religous leader's part -

but surprisingly the hesitancy came from the occupying Roman ruler Pilate.......

So who was there......near the cross.....in one way or another......??

Good Friday Reflection

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Who's Watching the Cross

Identifying those at the foot of the cross
Crucifixion -

A form of execution developed by the Phoenicians and perfected by the Romans

Jewish leaders executed by strangling, burning, beheading and stoning

stoning would occur after a person was pushed over an 11 foot cliff, and a huge rock was dropped on his chest - and if that didn't kill him, he would be pelted with rocks until dead

hanging was sometimes employed, but usually that meant hanging the body in public for display after being stoned to death....gruesome

rabbi's serving as judges would sentence some one to death for either idolatry or blasphemy

but were usually very reluctant to do so.....and the practice was to fast the day of sentencing in order to be as open to God's voice about the matter as possible......

Yet Jesus was so hated there was no reluctance on the religous leader's part -

but surprisingly the hesitancy came from the occupying Roman ruler Pilate.......

So who was there......near the cross.....in one way or another......??
Photo by Bob Jagendorf


Hoping for a look at all the commotion
Those who were there for the annual passover celebration and returned every year from outlying communities for the event - and happen to hear of this public execution, and strained through the crowd to see what was going on

It was common practice to make the condemned take a public route through town to complete the humiliation and to send a message to any one else who might want to challenge the authority of Rome
Photo by jo.bed


Oh yea.....well let's see
Those who made fun of Jesus, who mocked him, taunted him to come down off that cross, call on the angels to rescue him if he was so important, and if he was indeed more powerful than Elijah......well then he should be able to come down off the cross....

But these poor blind souls didn't realize that Jesus couldn't come down from the cross and sacrifice himself on it at the same time.....

There's an old gospel tune that says I should have died on that cross in disgrace, but Jesus God's Son took my place.........
Photo by rocketjim54


4 man teams on each cross
4 man teams per cross, led by a company commander level Roman Officer called a centurion.

so at least 12 men tasked with escorting the condemned men to their deaths, securing them to their crosses........

Got the nod for duty that week....

and they get the week Jesus is crucified, couldn't be some nobody and a quiet uneventful execution......no we had to get Jesus.....

had a long day ahead.......crowded streets full of rowdy party goers.......


Political Rulers

The religious politicians on the ruling council called the Sanhedrin

Pilate - whose job was to keep peace in the area, a job that had proven over the years rather difficult

Yet was open to provoke the Jewish rulers just so he could kill a few, or more......

He was eventually dismissed for excessive force after a massacre of some Samaritan pilgrims

Yet he was the one who has the most hesitancy in crucifying him Luke 23 describes Pilate's frustration........seems Pilate knew jesus was innocent.....


The people who supported Jesus
Jesus had developed quite a following in 3 years of active ministry

Disciples - large group who followed him

The apostles 12 - 11 at this time.......for Judas had hung himself in remorse as described in Matthew 27:3-10

James and John Zebedee's mother, Mary Magdelene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and Salome......to name a few

Photo by dvanzuijlekom


As mom looked on in horror
Mary - who was excited to be a part of the birth of our saviour, was warned by the prophet Simeon Luke 2:35.......that someday a sword would pierce her heart........

that day had come.......and any parent who has ever seen their child suffer, knows what Mary was experiencing....

John 19:25-27 Near the cross......

Who's Watching the Cross

  • Curious/Mockers
  • Military/Politicians
  • Followers/Family
  • All sinners with potential
  • Through Jesus's sacrifice






Everyone of these groups are sinners for whom Jesus died
Photo by Bob Jagendorf

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