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Principles of Democracy

Published on Dec 17, 2015

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Principles of Democracy

A written plan for our government. It tells us how each branch of government works.
Photo by dbking

US Constitution

A written plan for our government. It tells us how each branch of government.
Photo by Gamma Man

Limited Government

The idea that the people decide how much power the government should have.
Photo by Gage Skidmore


Power is shared between a "big" government and smaller state and local governments.
Photo by afagen

Independent Judiciary

The judicial branch is not  influenced by politicians or popular cultural beliefs.

Popular Sovereignty

The people are the source of all power. They use their power when they vote for people to represent their interests.
Photo by cliff1066™

Rule of Law

The laws apply to all people no matter rich or pour, laws in the Constitution are most important laws.

Separation of Power

They divided power into three branches of government. No branches can do anything without the other two branches.

Individual Rights

The people have rights and it is the job of government to project those rights.

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