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Top Ten Grossest Excretions of the Human Body

Published on Nov 24, 2015

Cole Hilton, Brandon Badinski, and James Reno Core 3



Photo by arquera

10. Carbon Dioxide
Organ: Lungs
Carbon Dioxide is the gas you release every time you exhale. Carbon Dioxide is number 10 because let's face it; it is not gross.

9. Sweat
Organ: Skin
Sweat is a clear, salty liquid that your skin excretes when you engage in physical activity. Sweat is number 9 because it is grosser than Carbon dioxide, but still not that bad.

Photo by Speshul Ted

8. Excessive Snot
Organ: Nose
Excessive snot is gotten rid of by blowing your nose. Excessive snot is number 8 because while blowing your nose is not nasty, it is not very sanitary.

7. Burps
Organ: Tummy
When you burp you are letting out excessive gas, like a fart. Burping is 7 because it can leave a bad smell and taste.

6. Farts
Organ: Large Intestine
When you fart, you discharge methane gas from your anus. Farts are 6th because there is a reason it is called the "Silent Killer."

Photo by Philip Male

5. Pee
Organ: Kidney
When you pee you are letting a stream of fluid wastes out of you. This is 5 because it so bad you have to go to a whole separate room!

4. Pus
Organ: Skin
Pus is nasty because it is white and oozes out of your pores. The reason it is higher than pee is because pus is just straight up nasty.

3. Feces
Organ: Large Intestine
Feces are solid waste products. The reason feces are number 3 is because of the smell.

Photo by timtak

2. Vomit
Organ: Stomach
Vomit is thrown up when you are sick or disgusted. Vomit is number two because it comes out of your mouth! An organ you use to eat!

Photo by Nick DeNardis

1. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is feces when it will not stop running out of you and it is in more of a liquid form. Diarrhea is número uno because it is liquidy poop! Gross!

Photo by Kettukusu