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Events To The Revolution

Published on Nov 22, 2015

This is my Haiku Deck about The Events leading to the American Revolution.


events leading to the american revolution


  • In 1765 Greenville made a new law called the Stamp Act
  • Stamps are required for all paper materials
  • The Stamp Act was a law
  • Even play cards had to have stamps
  • Colonists had to use the Stamp Act


  • Forced colonists to provide British troops with food,housing,and goods
  • The act was seen as a form of taxation for the colonists
  • Colonists despised constant taxation and unfair representation
  • Wanted to now push even more reduced taxation
  • Colonists are required to house soldiers
  • The Quartering act was on 1765
  • The Quartering Act is name given to two acts


  • The Townshend law added new taxes to glass,paint,paper,and tea
  • Taxes are raised
  • This mostly affected the port colonies especially Massachussets
  • To enforce acts better in the colonies they set up British courts
  • Townshend duties were a big money loser
  • parliament argued keeping duty on tea
  • imposed new taxes on certain products to pay the salary of colonial officials

The Boston Massacre

  • a brawl broke out between soldiers and colonists
  • massacre of killing defenseless people
  • Boston patriots were the worst troublemakers ever
  • troops killed defenseless people

Tea act

  • Tea Act was placed to try and rescue the British East Indian Company
  • The American British boycott of British tea hurt the company badly
  • The Tea Act gave the British complete control over the tea sales
  • In 1773 the Tea Act was in danger of going broke unless they sold 17 million Lbs. of tea
  • Britain only let colonists buy tea from them and even lowered the prices
  • The colonists poured 342 tea chests into harbor

Boston Tea Party

  • Men dressed as Mohawk Indians threw tea overboard
  • 90,000 Lbs. of tea were dumped into the sea(342 chests)
  • 50 men from the Sons of Liberty threw the tea
  • none of the 50 men were ever caught
  • It was led by the Sons of Liberty
  • Three ships of tea arrived in Boston with a total of 342 chests of tea

The intolerable acts

  • The port of Boston closed until colonists paid for tea
  • The Intolerable acts were made to punish Massachusetts for the Tea Act
  • The first law closed the Boston Harbor until the ruined tea was payed for
  • The second law placed Massachusetts government under British control
  • The third law British soldiers blamed of murder would be tried in England
  • The final law more troops were sent to Boston to force the new laws

Lexington and concord

  • The battle of Lexington and Concord fought on April 19,1775
  • hundreds of British troops marched on April 18,1775 from Boston to nearby Concord
  • it was called "The Shot around The World"
  • The battle was in Lexington
  • This battle started the American Revolution


Proclamation of 1763