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Alternative Energy

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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BY: Catherine, Ethan, Kayleigh, Ail 

Geothermal energy

  • Comes from the earth's heat.
  • Works all the time
  • Hard to install, but pays of when it is done being installed.
  • Geothermal Energy isn't as expensive as other alternative energies.
  • It's underground in suburb and city areas so it is't big and ugly  
Photo by thisisbossi

Solar energy

  • It is very durable, it can last through a hail storm.
  • Makes up for it's price in about 13 years.
  • The only time it doesn't generate electricity is at night.
  • It is save for all ages. 
  • There are all different sizes solar panels. 
Photo by CERTs


  • Not able to use around the area of the school
  • Reqires water
  • Expensive:Water,turbines,dam,etc.
  • Gets slowly eroded 
  • Can injure animals if water is freshwater.

What is alternATIVE ENERGY?

Alternative energy are energy sources that will never run out.

why not wind energy?

  • We can't have wind turbines in coppell.
  • The turbines may cause problems with planes.
  • Wind turbines only work if the wind can reach it around the buildings 
Photo by Andos_pics

Tidal Energy

  • Energy produced by the rise and fall of waves
  • Only available in the ocean
  • Available 100% of the time
  • Can disturb sea creatures

What is best for Coppell?

  • Geothermal is best suited for Coppell
  • Works all the time unlike Solar Energy
  • Coppell gets very hot and the heat from  
  • the Earth will combind to make plenty of 
  • Heat to power the school.

Any questions

That need questioning???

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