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Slide Notes

Prep for Lesson:
Have students, without looking back in their journals, give the big idea from the previous class on the first part of 6:10. Ask them if there are any questions or thoughts that came up for them this week about the kingdom.
Explains that we are going to look at the next part of verse 10 and see if we can learn something else about the Kingdom and about prayer.
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Matthew 6:10 

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Matthew 6:10 

part two 
Prep for Lesson:
Have students, without looking back in their journals, give the big idea from the previous class on the first part of 6:10. Ask them if there are any questions or thoughts that came up for them this week about the kingdom.
Explains that we are going to look at the next part of verse 10 and see if we can learn something else about the Kingdom and about prayer.
Photo by sun dazed

Matthew 6:10 

  • "...your kingdom come,
  • your will be done
  • on earth as it is in heaven."
have students read telling them to emphasis lines 2 and 3.

What does it means to do  

God's Will?

What is the greatest Commandment?

Thinking about God's will can be hard. Often we aren't sure what His will is in a particular circumstance. The saddest part is that history tells us that people have done terrible things and said that they were "doing God's will." That's why it is important that we read scripture to make sure what we think is God's will is actually what He desires.
Ask the students what they think it means do to God's will?
(help them connect God's will with obeying His commands)
Ask students if they know what the golden rule is.
Explain that is was actually Jesus who said this first and that He was talking about much more than playing nice on the playground.
Read Matthew 22:34-40- the pharisees test Jesus to see how he will respond, Jesus sums up every law that God had given to the Jewish people.
Photo by Tmuna Fish

God is Love.

What does this mean for our prayer?
Explain that because Jesus was and is God, He totally had the authority and the knowledge of scripture to be able to sum it up like this.
Although knowing God's will can be tricky, if ever we are in doubt this is command is the best place to start. This basically sums up everything God and Jesus taught!
However, we also need the Holy Spirits help to know what real love is because we don't always get it right.
Check for Understanding:
Ask students to next talk with their shoulder partner about why they think Jesus says we should pray for God's will to be done? What would it look like if God's will was done? Have them think back to the last lesson about the Kingdom.

God wants earth to look like Heaven

Jesus tells us that 
Connect back to Kingdom lesson about the implications of asking God to bring His Kingdom.
Explain to students that what Jesus doesn't mean is that we should want earth to be full of angels playing harps on clouds, but that we should want to obey God like the angels obey God.
Photo by Ludovico Cera

Reflection time

  • What would it look like if earth was like heaven?
  • How do you think this connects to the Kingdom (part 1)?
  • How do you think we should be trying to make this happen?
  • What does that look like for you?
Have students answer the questions on the slide in their journal, first by themselves and them collaborating with the group.
Going around the group, ask them to recite the Lord's prayer up until this point and give a brief explanation for each line.
Photo by kevin dooley