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Your instinct

Published on Dec 10, 2015

Instinct, not just a cliché www.pro-management-consultant.eu


Your instinct

listen to it

If you have been checking your instinct over time and it has proven its worth so far, listen to it.

Try relying a few times on your hunches – in matters that are not of very high concern, for starters.

Be honest with yourself. People tend to overestimate their abilities.

If you reach the conclusion that you can’t really trust your instinct, it’s not a tragedy, that’s how most of us are.

But if you have been checking your instinct over time and it has proven its worth so far, listen to it.

It works like an anti-aerial alarm in the proximity of evil, sneaky, envious people.

So listen to your instinct

Every time. Every time. Every time.