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BOok Project

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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BOok Project

Philip Forbes
Photo by betta design

The main characters responded to many problems. In war comes to Willy Freeman,the character Horce, was faced with the personal problem that Willy, was a girl. They were friends up until the point where he figured out, so he responded by still being her friend. It was just more awkward. In both of my books, War comes to Willy Freeman and Guns For General Washington, characters persevered when things were hard, and got good things from it. They didn’t doubt and give up, and they completed goals. They worked as hard as they could, and fought for what was worth fighting for. They overcame the challenges, and learned these life lessons.

Photo by Marion Doss

The narrator's point of view described the story much differently in nonfiction and fiction. In nonfiction, the narrator’s view described the whole country, and what was happening around the world. The fiction described the point of view of the character, and what was happening in her brain.

Photo by cliff1066™

There were two sides to the revolutionary war. Both sides had good points. The americans were trying to fight for their rights. The british were fighting to fight for the country of britain, and for their loyalty of the king.
Living in 1770s-1780s was much harder than now.You had to harvest, or hunt to get food. The war meant all had to help the soldiers stay healthy, either by donations, or labor. People would be torn from their businesses, leaving most of their shops shut down. This obviously created a trainwreck in the war, and economy.
America was starting to become it’s own country. The declaration of independence had been written, and now, all america had to do, was win the war.This was a big order, but it could be filled.

In guns for General Washington, Washington and his army didn't have any arms, making him not able to try to win the war. He needed to respond to the problem, and fast, or he would lose the war. Colonial Knox, had a plan. He knew that there were arms in fort george, an abandoned fort. Colonial Knox suggested they go get the guns. It was Washington’s last hope. In the end, the mission was a go, and Washington got the guns safely to the army, which would win the war.

“Wings won't be necessary sir. Give me a dozen men and the authority to hire more if I have to, and we will handle it.” -Henry Knox, Guns for General Washington, When Knox and the army discussed the ways they could get ammo. Knox, was trying to promote his idea, but the committee was against it. He said this to back up his idea.

Never give up, because good things will come, applies to everyone’s life. If everyone gave up, nothing would happen, and if nothing would happen, well, nothing would happen! You always must keep trying to achieve goals.

George Washington's lack of ammunition and soldiers was a major problem. Boston's occupation by the British soldiers was a threat to the cause. More colonists became supportive. Ben Franklin helped by convincing the French to help the Americans.

Both have problems that the try to solve with other's help.

Willy Freeman was daring when she journeyed from Virginia to Boston searching for her mother. She would stop at nothing and not give up hope of finding her. Willy was a free African American, but she had to avoid people who tried to enslave her.