- Three sisters have a club
- The sisters are mad at each other
- The sisters help each other out
- The sisters stop fighting
The theme In the book The Sisters Club is sisters are more important than anything even though they can get on your nerves.
In the beginning of this story the two younger sisters embarrass their older sister, Alex and she gets mad at them.
In the story Alex yelled at them, "how long have you been out there? You heard every word I said didn't you". "You gorebellied, hastywitted harpies! " I wish I never had a sister. That goes for BOTH of you."(McDonald Pg 80-81)
In the middle of the book Alex the oldest sister hurts herself and cannot finish her play. Stevie, the middle sister, helps out and does it for her.
"I heard Alex say she could not get up or stand or put any weight on her foot. There might be a fracture said mom." " Nina. She's the understudy." Said Mr. Cannon." But she's sick tonight." "Stevie" said Alex "my sister knows all the lines." ( McDonald p153&155)
At the end of the book Stevie is glad the sisters are getting along again in The Sisters Club.
The thing about sisters and family is you always know you can count on each other when things aren't going right. In the story, Stevie the sister narrating says, "I lay on the floor between my sisters Alex and Joey like perfect book ends I couldn't think of anywhere I'd rather be.
In the middle" (McDonald pg 181)