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The Federal Reserve

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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The Federal Reserve

  • Commonly known as "The Fed"
  • Federal Reserve Act of 1913
  • independent from President, Congress, and Supreme court
Photo by taberandrew

Fed is made up of...

  • Board of Governors
  • Federal Reserve Banks
  • Member Banks
  • Federal Open Market Committee
  • Several Advisory Committees
Photo by Laura Galley

Board of governors

  • AKA Federal Reserve Board
  • Located in Washington DC
  • Made up of 7 members
  • Members appointed by President and approved by Congress

What the board does

  • Oversees the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks
  • Oversees Nation's payment systems
  • Administer consumer protection regulations
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Analyzes Domestic and International financial conditions 

Federal reserve banks

  • Known as the "Banker's bank"
  • 12 main Federal Reserve Banks
  • 25 branches run by Federal Reserve
  • Each bank responsible for a Federal Reserve District
  • Supervise and monitor districts
Photo by epicharmus

What The federal reserve banks do

  • Serve the member banks within the district
  • Serves as the bank for the US Treasury
  • Holds and recieves deposits for the US Government
  • Makes payments on checks and loans
  • Collect economic information from districts to give back to BoG
Photo by ChrisYunker

Member banks

  • Only 38% commercial banks are member banks
  • All National banks must be a member
  • Banks that are not members must have account with Member Bank
  • Member banks perform same function for non-members as the Fed does for them
Photo by kevin dooley

Federal Open market committee

  • Also known as FOMC
  • Policy-making body of the Fed
  • Controls Nation's money supply and how much is in circulation
  • Controls amount of money on deposit and promotes economic growth
  • Made up of 12 members
Photo by DonkeyHotey

FOMC members

  • All 7 members of the Board of Governors
  • President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank
  • The Presidents of 4 other Federal Reserve Banks

advisory councils

  • Purpose is to research and analyze economic conditions
  • Make recommendations to Board of Governors
  • Have no authority or power, just serve advisory role
Photo by kevin dooley

Main Advisory councils

  • Federal Advisory Council
  • Consumer Advisory Council
  • Thrift Institutions Advisory Council
Photo by { pranav }

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  • "Thrift Institutions Advisory Council Definition | Investopedia." Investopedia. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 June 2014
  • "1913 Federal Reserve Act Definition | Investopedia." Investopedia. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 June 2014
  • Onda, M. Unit 7-Government’s Role in the Economy. 2012. www.mhs.frederick.k12.va.us. Retrieved May 22, 2014.