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Slide Notes

-The area served as a camp for the Roman general Pompey in the war against Sertorius
-He is considered to be the founder of Pompaelo which became Pamplona, in modern Spanish.
-Initially, Pamplona was the capital of the Basque country
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Spain's capital is Madrid
  • Pamplona, Spain is located in Navarre and is the capital of Navarre .
  • Pamplona, Spain is situated on the right bank of Arga river
  • Pamplona was originally Pampaelo
  • General Pompey is considered to be the founder of Pamplona
-The area served as a camp for the Roman general Pompey in the war against Sertorius
-He is considered to be the founder of Pompaelo which became Pamplona, in modern Spanish.
-Initially, Pamplona was the capital of the Basque country

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