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Why Gandalf would be a bad teacher.
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Why Gandalf Would Be A Bad Teacher

Published on Nov 19, 2015

be nice to your teachers


why Gandalf

would be a bad teacher
Why Gandalf would be a bad teacher.
Photo by bob in swamp

he will say...

YOU SHALL NOT PASS this test. 
He will say...

YOU SHALL NOT PASS 8th grade. He will knock you unconscious with his staff and will call you...
"son of a took!" He will give you a sword and persuade you to go on a adventure and you will end up in a forest with him in a cave and you will have to be killed by giant spiders.
Photo by Gage Skidmore

Untitled Slide

So this is why you make sure you don't anger your teachers.

Because teachers have souls and feelings too!

A message by: an 6th grade student
Photo by ttarasiuk

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DONT BE A PEST!!!!!!!!!!

don't be like me precious!
Photo by rromer