STATISTICS 1.)In NYC in 2011, 10.4% of male and female high school students reported being hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose. 2.) 16% of all violent crimes are committed by teens. 3.) 22.4% of women and 15.0% of men first experienced some form of partner violence between ages 11 and 17.
CAUSES 1.) Abuse in the home 2.) External influences: TV, video games, movies 3.) Gangs- persons involved are more likely to be shot, stabbed, etc... 4.) Alcohol and drugs 5.) Underlying mental disorder
PREVENTION 1.) Make certain your teen does not have access to guns. 2.) Monitor the media. 3.) If you can't control your anger, get away. Take a time out.
WARNING SIGNS A history of violent or aggressive behavior Young age at first violent incident Having been a victim of bullying Having witnessed violence at home Family or parent condones use of violence A history of cruelty to animals Having a major mental illness Being callous or lacking empathy for others History of vandalism or property damage