Some Ordination Thoughts.....

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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1 Peter 4:7-11

What's A Person Supposed to Do?
Photo by Bert Kaufmann


God has given
The source of our gifts, our voice, our strength come from the Lord

Humility comes easy when you remember where your gifts and abilities come from...

each one of you a custom made set of gifts

Sue has set my heart at ease on many occasion when it comes to money.....and tracking and budgeting etc.....I always get a little tense because it can be one of ministry's biggest areas of conflict for lots of reasons.....

John's confident manner in caring for people is truly something to watch - his ability to encourage others.....especially in hospital settings

Urgency - the end of the world is near

Prayer - earnest and disciplined

Love - deeply

covers a multitude of sins

Access - open your home and your lives

Speak with authority - as the very words of God

Rely on God's strength, not your own

Point to God with your gifts - his glory
Photo by jasohill


One another
Use them well - NLT's way of translating the word for steward, one how to manages a household or cares for the resources owned by someone else...

Be a good steward of the gifts of time, energy, and ability that God has given you.....
Photo by Val_tho


The end is coming soon
Photo by space_monkey


Solid awareness of what is going
earnest, clear minded NIV - the word used to describe the demoniac after he was freed from the demon's influence in Mark 5:15, settled, the opposite of freaking out.......word Paul uses to defend his sanity when on trial in Acts 26:5

self - controlled NIV disciplined - the opposite of being drunk and wobbly
Photo by Josh Kenzer

Give Access

Love deeply and get close to home
Give Access to your life

Love people deeply

- with all your heart, sincerely
- lifestyle - (pres act part)

Open your home

- willingness to make new friends
- allowing people to see the "real you"
Photo by Joybot

Point to God

His Words, His Strength, His Glory
Speak the very words of God

Minister to others in the strength God provides

For His glory......

He gets the attention, redit, the limelight.....

Michael Cadrette

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