The electronic posting of mean spirited messages about a person(as a student) often done anonymously
-Merriam Webster
It is the goal of the school district to promote a safe and secure learning environment for all students.
Cyberbullying can be based upon ones race, religion, color, national origin, height, weight, sexual orientation or gender identity.
The intent of cyberbullying is to inflict injury on another.
Is the responsibility of all staff students to report any observed incidences of cyberbullying immediately.
Consequences if caught participating in cyberbullying
Any violation of the cyberbullying policy will be grounds for immediate discipline ranging from couseling notation to up and through to explusion from the district.
Any reported incidence(s) of cyberbullying will be thoroughly investigated. The age and maturity level of the offender will be taken into consideration.
It is not the goal of the administration to punish students. It is the goal of the administration to teach and create a safe learning environment for all students.