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American history

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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American history

by:Joshua Sanguinetti
Photo by 7Bart

France,Spain, England fought for land in America.

England won majority of the land

Photo by Olof S

English set up colonies in the 'New World'

Photo by englishsnow

England needed money so they taxed the Patriots.The Patriots revolted against Britain.And that started a Revolution.

Photo by 401(K) 2013

The Patriots eventually won and declared Independence.

Photo by VinothChandar

After America declared Independence they made the articles of Confederation.The Articles of Confederation was a failure because it was weak and ineffective.

Photo by JCardinal18

Because the failure of the Articles of Confederation.They made the Constitution.

Photo by elPadawan

But they where still divided between the North and the South.

Photo by John Pavelka

When adding new states North wanted free states and South wanted slave states.That leaded to the Civil War.

Photo by Woody H1

North eventually won the Civil War because they had more people,iron,factories, and firearms.

Photo by Scott*

After Civil War Amendments were placed to make all Americans equal.


  • 13th amendment - abolish slavery
  • 14th amendment - equal right
  • 15th amendment- Black men get the right to vote
Photo by mr_mayer

Jim Crow laws made it harder for blacks to be treated equally.

Photo by dbking

After the Civil War America was still divided between urban vs rural, and agrarian vs industrial.

Photo by yuan2003

Even today, America is still divided by Democrat vs Republican,Rich vs Poor,black vs white.

Photo by VinothChandar