Slide #1: Exposition: Wall E, the future, and Eva .Conflict no living things on earth. Rising Action Wall-E shows plant to the captain. Climax Eva keeps on stealing the plant.
Slide #2: Tone: What is the movie and the song’s tone towards the environment? Like the fish in the ocean We felt at home in the sea We learned to live off the good land We learned to climb up a tree. This means to go green, and keep the environment good.
Slide #3 Mood: How is the reader supposed to feel while watching the movie? What about the song? Sad for Earth, and Passionate about the environment! To make a change to the way we live.
Slide #4 Simile: Point out a simile in the song lyrics. What is the author comparing? Why is he/she using this comparison? We've got snow up on the mountains We've got rivers down below He is saying how awesome the Earth to live.
Slide #5 Metaphor: Finish this statement as if you were the movie or song writer. The earth is a a puppy because the more you take care the better it will get. Because the song says take care of the Earth.