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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Tyler bolyard , Troy Shults



  • African americans
Photo by cliff1066™


  • Niger was in a war from 1990-1992.
  • The group that was going to attack did not follow through with the plan.
  • Natural resource -Wood- wood is used for fuel and energy?
  • New-ag.info.com/onwar.com


  • They have uranium, mining, cement, brick, soap, textiles, food processsing
  • Some others were chemicals, slaughter houses
  • Indexmundi.com
Photo by chooyutshing


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  • Report an Error E-MAIL Niger News about Niger, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times. Chronology of Coverage MAR. 5, 2014 Pentagon is helping Niger and other African countries to combat rising Islamist militancy by providing advice and training African troops to deal with terrorists on their own; strategy represents marked shift from direct involvement in conflicts, as American defense budget shrinks and citizens lose appetite for intervening in foreign wars.MORE » NOV. 29, 2013 Alhassane Ould Mohamed, member of extremist group wanted in fatal carjacking of American official William Bultemeier in Niger in 2000, has been arrested in northern Mali.MORE » NOV. 1, 2013 Decomposing bodies of 87 migrants from Niger are discovered in the Sahara a few miles from a well, apparently stranded after a desperate search for water; two trucks carrying the migrants, men, women and children, broke down in the desert while trying to reach neighboring Algeria.MORE » OCT. 31, 2013 Four Frenchmen return to Paris more than three years after being kidnapped by Islamist fighters in Niger; men, workers at a uranium mine, were seized in 2010 by members of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.MORE » OCT. 30, 2013 French Pres Francois Hollande says the four French hostages who were kidnapped in 2010 in Niger by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been released.MORE » Show More General Information on Niger Official Name: The Republic of Niger Capital: Niamey (Current local time) Government Type: Republic Population: 12.895 million Area: 490,000 square miles; about three times the size of California Languages: French (official), Hausa, Djerma Literacy: Total Population: [29%] Male: [43%]; Female: [15%] GDP Per Capita: $280 Year of Independence: 1960 Articles Newest First | Oldest First Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next >> Niger Extradites a Son of Qaddafi to Libya, Saying He Didn’t ‘Stay Quiet’ By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK Saadi el-Qaddafi faces accusations that he participated in the corruption and abuses that marked his father’s 40 years in power. March 7, 2014, Friday MORE ON NIGER AND: QADDAFI, MUAMMAR EL-, NIGER, LIBYA, QADDAFI, SAADI EL-, EXTRADITION U.S. Takes Training Role in Africa as Threats Grow and Budgets Shrink By ERIC SCHMITT The American military’s involvement in Niger illustrates how the Pentagon is trying to juggle two competing missions in Africa: contain the spread of Islamist militancy without having to pour a lot of soldiers or money into the region. March 5, 2014, Wednesday MORE ON NIGER AND: NIGERIA, BOKO HARAM, DEFENSE AND MILITARY FORCES, TERRORISM, AL QAEDA, AFRICA, UNITED STATES DEFENSE AND MILITARY FORCES, NIGER Mali: Fugitive on U.S. List Is Arrested By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Alhassane Ould Mohamed, wanted in the fatal carjacking of an American official in Niger more than a decade ago, has been arrested by French soldiers in northern Mali after he escaped from prison. November 29, 2013, Friday MORE ON NIGER AND: MALI, BULTEMEIER, WILLIAM, NIGER, CARJACKING, SAUDI ARABIA, MURDERS AND ATTEMPTED MURDERS, PRISON ESCAPES, MOHAMED, ALHASSANE OULD, AL QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB Scores of Migrants From Niger Found Dead in Sahara By ADAM NOSSITER The 87 men, women and children were apparently stranded after a desperate search for water as they tried to make their way across the border to Algeria. November 1, 2013, Friday MORE ON NIGER AND: ALGERIA, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION, IMMIGRATION AND EMIGRATION, SAHARA DESERT, DEATHS (FATALITIES), NIGER Held 3 Years, French Hostages Return Home By SCOTT SAYARE The four men, workers at a uranium mine in Niger, were seized in September 2010. Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility. October 31, 2013, Thursday MORE ON NIGER AND: NIGER, HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS, HOSTAGES, AL QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB, FRANCE France: Hostages in Niger Are Freed By MAÏA de la BAUME The four French hostages who were kidnapped three years ago in Niger by Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have been released, President François Hollande of France said. October 30, 2013, Wednesday MORE ON NIGER AND: HOSTAGES, NIGER, FRANCE, AL QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB China Finds Resistance to Oil Deals in Africa By ADAM NOSSITER Some cash-starved African states are showing an assertiveness that suggests the days of China’s unbridled influence as a mega-investor may be waning. September 18, 2013, Wednesday MORE ON NIGER AND: NIGER, OIL (PETROLEUM) AND GASOLINE, NIGERIA, CHAD, CHINA, GABON, TANDJA, MAMADOU, CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORP, AFRICA, SINOPEC CORP Where Young Women Find Healing and Hope By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF The next stop on this year’s win-a-trip journey is a new fistula hospital in Niger that is changing women’s lives with help from Times readers. July 14, 2013, Sunday MORE ON NIGER AND: ARROWSMITH, STEVEN, NIGER, THIRD WORLD AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, WALL, LEWIS, WORLDWIDE FISTULA FUND, DANJA FISTULA CENTER, PHILANTHROPY, FISTULAS, WOMEN AND GIRLS, FISTULA FOUNDATION Drones in Niger Reflect New U.S. Tack on Terrorism By ERIC SCHMITT A drone base established in February to track militants in Mali is the latest indication of the priority Africa has become for the United States, but the strategy has limitations. July 11, 2013, Thursday MORE ON NIGER AND: SALL, MACKY, MALI, TERRORISM, NIGER, AFRICA, DEFENSE AND MILITARY FORCES, DRONES (PILOTLESS PLANES), ISSOUFOU, MAHAMADOU Mali Aforethought By HANNAH ARMSTRONG Civil society groups around the Sahel region are finding common cause against Western intervention. June 27, 2013, Thursday MORE ON NIGER AND: AFRICA, NIGER, MAURITANIA, MALI, FRANCE, ALGIERS (ALGERIA), ALGERIA, AL QAEDA, UNITED NATIONS, TUAREG (ETHNIC GROUP), MUSLIMS AND ISLAM International Effort Seeks to Counter Jihadists in Africa By ERIC SCHMITT Plans by the United States and other countries to thwart the spread of terrorism are focusing on Algeria and its neighbors, considered increasingly vulnerable to jihadist groups. June 27, 2013, Thursday MORE ON NIGER AND: NIGER, AFRICA, ALGERIA, TERRORISM, AL QAEDA, MALI Creature May Point to Ancient Climate of Niger By SINDYA N. BHANOO The knobby skull of the pareiasaur called Bunostegos supports a theory that a North African region had an isolated desert climate more than 200 million years ago. June 25, 2013, Tuesday MORE ON NIGER AND: JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY, SKULL (BODY PART), PALEONTOLOGY, DINOSAURS, NIGER Prison Breakout Thwarted in Niger By ADAM NOSSITER The escape attempt by prisoners said to be associated with “terrorist groups” on Saturday took place at the central prison in Niger’s capital, Niamey, and two guards were killed. June 2, 2013, Sunday MORE ON NIGER AND: NIGER, PRISONS AND PRISONERS, MURDERS AND ATTEMPTED MURDERS Militant Says He Is Behind Attack in Niger By ADAM NOSSITER If true, Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s claim would put one of the Sahel’s most hardened militants, whom Chad’s military said it had killed, back at the center of jihad. May 25, 2013, Saturday MORE ON NIGER AND: MUSLIMS AND ISLAM, BELMOKHTAR, MOKHTAR, CHAD, DEFENSE AND MILITARY FORCES, SAHARA DESERT, ALGERIA, NIGER, TERRORISM, AFRICA, CIVILIAN CASUALTIES Suicide Bombings in Niger Kill Dozens in Dual Strikes By ADAM NOSSITER The attacks on a military base and a uranium mine were the first in Niger, which has taken a leading role against jihadism in West Africa. May 24, 2013, Friday MORE ON NIGER AND: DEFENSE AND MILITARY FORCES, TERRORISM, MUJAO (MOVEMENT FOR ONENESS AND JIHAD IN WEST AFRICA), MINES AND MINING, NIGER, FRANCE, AL QAEDA, BOMBS AND EXPLOSIVES SEARCH 254 ARTICLES: Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next >> RELATED ADSwhat are related ads? » Le Niger » Info Niger » Senegal » Mali Niger » Location au Senegal Niger Navigator A list of resources from around the Web about Niger as selected by researchers and editors of The New York Times. C.I.A. World Factbook country profile State Department -- history and overview BBC country profile News and online media National Geographic world music guide 2007/2008 Human Development Report United Nations Development Program Atlas of Niger Wikimedia.org Niger: Timeline of Constitution Controversy Irin News, July 02, 2009 West Africa: Region still unprepared for pandemic flu Irin News, July 14, 2009 General Resources BUSINESS International Finance Corporation ECONOMY Statistical Profiles of the Least Developed Countries United Nations Countries & Regions World Bank EDUCATION Statistical Overview United Nations Colleges and Universities Braintrack ENERGY Resources and Trends U.S. Department of Energy ENVIRONMENT Environmental Performance Index Yale University Natural Disasters and Relief Efforts Reliefweb Adaptation to Climate Change European Union GOVERNMENT Constitution Finder University of Richmond Embassies in the U.S. HEALTH Country Profiles World Health Organization Children's Health Unicef Health Data World Bank HUMAN RIGHTS Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor U.S. State Department Amnesty International MAPS Google Earth Perry-Castaneda Map Library POPULATION/DEMOGRAPHICS International Programs Census Bureau TRAVEL NYTimes.com/Travel Travel Information State Department World Museum Directory OTHER USEFUL LINKS International Postal Codes Universal Postal Union Calling Codes Country Comparisons NationMaster.com Weather World Meteorological Organization Multimedia Niger's Dying Children Michael Wines reports on the hunger ravaging 3.6 million farmers and herders in the destitute nation. More Multimedia » Multimedia Video Win a Trip 2013 As Erin Luhmann travels with Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof, she reports on malnutrition in Mali, treatments for clubfoot in Niger and the refugee crisis from the conflict in Darfur. Slide Show Nigerians Flee What They Call Indiscriminate Killings Thousands of refugees have crossed into Niger, many saying their government’s fight against Islamists makes no distinction between militants and civilians. Video TimesCast | Loyalist Convoy Flees Africa¹s desert Sahel region is among of the poorest in the world and has long seen Muammar el-Qaddafi as a hero. Video In Niger With Nicholas D. Kristof Saumya Dave, win-a-trip winner, reflects on how the life of one woman living in Moli, Niger, impacted her. Video Kristof on Malnutrition, and Its Cure Op-Ed columnist Nicholas D. Kristof reports from Niger on the need for proper breastfeeding in impoverished countries. More Multimedia »
  • Two italian tourist were kidnapped two months ago in Niger's desert