During our life we are influenced by lots of life factors and by the events that happens to us .
In our life their are major changes that can be predicted and some of these changes are not predicted at all. 1.Predictable life changes. 2.unpredictable life changes
There are lots of events that are predicted to happens these events may have possible influences on the development of the person there are positive learning and it might have risk of stress.
There is 7 events that is predicted to happened and they are:
1.starting school/nursery 2.beginning and changing employment. 3.leaving home/leaving care. 4.leaving prison 5.marriage 6.parenthood 7.retirements.
The positive learning:The positive side of being in a relation ship or marriage is that you are able to make emotional attachment and have the chance to experience the intimacy life.
The risk of stress:Sometimes people in relationship or couples have the threatening feeling of the intimacy life that could go wrong and feel like losing their independence.
So I change my character (Queen Elizabeth)to (Stephen hawking).
In stephen hawking life he experienced a intimacy life with the love of his life and he had a good relation ship that was strong and had no risks at all in his second marriage , he got divorced in his first marriage because he was not satiable in his emotional life with his ex wife .
Positive learning:Having your own job and being paid for your work and having an income is a positivity in this predicted event.
Risk of stress :When you are working and have lots of thing to do and accomplish in your job , lots of demand that are suppose to be finished in a short period of time, this can also make you feel mentaly tired and lost of energy , this all could be a stress risk of this kind of predicted event.
Although stephen is a fully disabled man but his career life was very successful , he had an theory and an discovory that allowed him to reach his high levels of working , he had no pressures he loved what he was doing , he loved being a professor in a famous university , he had no mental or social pressure even with his disability.
There are 5 events that are mainly unpredictable and it have also positive learning and risk of stress as the predictable events , these 5 unpredictable events are: 1 Birth of a sibling 2 Redundancy 3 illness and serious injury 4 Divorce 5 Bereavement And i will also going to talk about two of them.
Positive learning:If a person with an illness or some kind of injury that can be for long period of time,and this person adapted to this physical change its considered as a positivity in this unpredicted event that came up into his life.
Risk of stress:Some people cannot handle this change in there physical life so they start to feel angry,depressed,grief at their lost of good health , and will not adapt to their new physical change , this is consider as a stress risk that can happened to other people.
Stephen was a normal kid until he got disable at the adulthood stage of his life, he couldn't get used of his physical change and not any physical change , it was a very big one, he later on get used to it with time , he got out of his depression and he start focusing in his future and his discoveries.
Positive learning: People have to cope with there life after having a divorce which is a positive thing for an unpredicted event in their life.
Risk of stress:other people cannot continue their life and feel grief for their lost of their relationship , they can also get into a depression , and could later on have a financial hardship , this is a risk of stress that is caused by this unpredictable event in the person life.
After his first marriage he didn't feel good so he got devorsed and was able to complete his lifestyle , and he also got married again , and it was a very successful marriage.