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We have three theories of ageing , social disengagement , Activity theory , and continuity theory , i will explain all three of them and apply two of them on our characters that we had chosen.

Social disengagement :

  • being social disengaged means to be less engaged or disengaged with people and their activities and to decrease your involvement with others. This is what happening with most of the old people they are naturally start to socially disengaged as they feel they have restricted opportunities to be engaged at this stage or level of their life . Not all of old people feel this way or act this way.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

in the past this theory was widely accepted above all the old people , but when other older people showed other kind of reaction when they reached the level of those who started to disengaged socially , they didn't disengaged some of them turn to be more active than what they were , and some of them continued their normal lifestyle of their old days .

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  • The activity theory, also known as the implicit theory of ageing, normal theory of ageing, and lay theory of ageing, proposes that successful aging occurs when older adults stay active and maintain social interactions.
  • It takes the view that the ageing process is delayed and the quality of life is enhanced when old people remain socially active,The activity theory rose in opposing response to the disengagement theory.
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  • The activity theory and the disengagement theory were the two major theories that outlined successful aging in the early 1960s.
  • The theory was developed by Robert J. Havighurst in 1961 In 1964, Bernice Neugarten asserted that satisfaction in old age depended on active maintenance of personal relationships and endeavors.

Stephen hawking (activity theory):

  • Stephen hawking is a very good example of the activity theory as he is one of the eldery people that continued working and teaching and making books even thought he is old and disable at the same time , and The activity theory clearly states that people who stay active in what they do are healthier, happier and are aware of their surroundings. According to this theory, Stephen Hawking is a man who has accomplished a lot of awards in his past

Stephen Hawking is 73 years of age. Stephen Hawking has stayed active in his science career. He received many awards in his later adulthood and old age. It is really important that Stephen Hawking to stays engaged in what he is doing because it will keep him going and he will be able to be happier in what he does. So far, Stephen Hawking has not disengaged in doing what he enjoys even though he is an elderly man. It is a possibility that Stephen Hawking may disengage because he is getting older and due to his illness it may be difficult for him to carry on with his career.

Photo by Yortw

Continuity theory :

  • The continuity theory is one of the major theories that describe how people develop in old age. This theory states that older adults will usually maintain the same activities, behavior, personality traits and relationships as they did in their earlier years of life.
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George Maddox was the first researcher to use the continuity theory to describe the behavior of ageing individuals in 1968. Spinger (2008) stated that “According to this theory, continuity in ageing is seen as a dynamic and evolutionary development process in which individuals adapt, grow and change; however, these changes are consistent with the person’s underlying ideology and past experiences”.


  • Stephen hawking carer may not be able to support him maintain the continuity in his past. The reasons why he may not be able to are because he may become more fragile and unable to continue with the activities he use to do in his past. He may not be able to be moved around as much as he travels at the moment. He also may not be mentally stimulated to be able to carry on with his activities.
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  • The majority of elderly people prefer to remain in their own homes in within the community where they are supported by their family and friends. Elderly people should have the right to choose how active they want to be. Stephen Hawking is supported and cared for in his own home. He is not able to physical take care of himself due to his ALS condition.
Photo by alvherre