The PAAS Conference attendees were also interested in exploring successful social media campaigns and how they may influence patient "adherence."
Successful social media campaigns have common traits:
Building community:
by sharing stories, providing access to expert point of view
Add value:
by amplifying the patient voice, supplying an empathetic ear, providing resources
This newly launched website of the Ketamine Advocacy Network does this: builds community by allowing moderated user-generated content and adds value by providing key resources and amplifying the patients voice. (Learn more at http://
The PAAS panel moderator asked how can companies in the Rx space use social media to engage patients?
Combination of moderated user-generated content (e.g. pin pictures, upload videos, re-tweet Rx company health messages, use Rx company generated # or join Rx company moderated/sponsored tweet chats)
The PAAS panel moderator also wanted to know what was success #hchlitss chat & enBloom Media have had with patient populations with regard to social media engagement?
Social media works best when fully integrated into a marketing and public engagement plan. It is one tool in the tool box that can extend the reach/impact of face-to-face events or lay the groundwork and interest and support to inspire face to face events.
How do you measure the success and ROI?
Truthfully, this is difficult to measure (impressions are currently the most commonly used measure, but this is no precise).
Appropriate measures are a function of your goal:
1) increase awareness 2) drive traffic 3) generate downloads