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Paeton Coler

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Paeton Coler


Whatever After Fairest of All.

Photo by Etrusia UK

By Sarah Mlynowski

Photo by libraryink

Genre: Fantasy

Photo by Andy.Sabis

Books or Series by the Same Author: The
Whatever After Series.

Photo by armadillo444

Why I chose this book: I chose this book because

it sounded interesting.

Strong lead:
What would you do if a mirror sucked you into a fairy tale?


  • Snow White- a teenage girl
  • Witch- a very bad person
  • Seven dwarfs- Little men who help Snow White.
  • Jonah- Abby's little brother.
  • Abby- Jonah's sister.
Photo by EpicFireworks

Problem: Jonah and Abby ruin the chance of

snow white to meet her prince.


  • House
  • Woods
  • Cottage
  • Castle
  • Smithville

Something interesting: The kids help snow white

get to her prince.
Photo by dreamagicjp