
Published on Aug 21, 2021

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Dr Caroline Phelan


  • Defining pain
  • Perception of pain
  • Types of pain
  • Approaches to management
Photo by Alayna Tam

What is pain

  • Subjective
Photo by Zoltan Tasi

Why is pain important?

  • impact

theories of pain

  • Descartes

theories of pain

  • neuromatrix
Photo by uci.research

theories of pain

  • gate control theory
Photo by EMSL

Pain Perception

  • Cognitive and emotional

Types of pain

  • Acute
Photo by NICHD NIH

Social Communication Model of pain

  • image

When chronic pain becomes an issue

  • Sheep tracks
Photo by gryffyn m

Age and Pain

  • Old thinking that older and younger people feel less pain than middle aged adults.

Gender and Pain

  • Do women feel pain more?

Untitled Slide

Culture and pain

  • multifactorial
Photo by Will Myers

Attitudes and beliefs

  • the way we think about something
Photo by Greg Rakozy

Catastrophic thinking

  • key signs and screening
Photo by Stormseeker

pain related psychological distress

  • some of the issues are
Photo by Hailey Kean

psychological approaches

  • acute pain
Photo by Diego PH

chronic pain

  • some things to help
Photo by Larisa Birta

explain pain

  • education


  • language matters
Photo by Trey Ratcliff


Untitled Slide

Photo by Susan Q Yin

Caroline Phelan

Haiku Deck Pro User