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Paiute Tribe

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Paiute Tribe

By: Shanice McCain

Original Location

  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Idaho
  • Utah
  • Arizona
Photo by H.Adam

Paiute Houses

  • Wikiups (made of willow frame covered with brush)
  • Teepees (made of a coned-shaped wooden frame with a covering of buffalo hide)
Photo by lyzadanger

Food Paiutes Ate

  • Deer
  • Elk
  • Small game
  • Pine nuts
  • Seeds
  • Fruits
  • Vedgetables
  • Roots
Photo by djwtwo

Daily Life

  • Men hunted, were warriors, responsible for feeding and defeating their family
  • Women cooked, cleaned, made clothing, and took care of their children
  • Children played with toys, dolls, and games to play outside


  • Built rafts to go in rivers
  • Used reed boats to fish in lakes
  • Dogs travols (drag sled pulled by dogs) to carry items or belongings
Photo by kevinpoh


  • Women wore long deerskin dresses
  • Men wore breechcloths with leather leggings
Photo by catface3

Crafts Paiutes Made

  • Indian baskets
  • Beadwork
  • Pottery
  • Dolls
Photo by nuhgaak

Interesting Information

  • Paiute (pie-yoot) came from a word meaning "traveling back and forth" in their langauge
  • Hunter used bows and arrows to kill animals
  • Fishermen usedcspears, mets, and wooden fish traps
Photo by Lynchaos