Most students do better to assignment two
Please read the feedback you have received
This will help strengthen your second paper
In this case study many of you will be familiar with the key elements
This is an academic paper not an opinion piece
You must provide evidence to support your statements
You must tell the marker “why” you are saying something or suggesting a particular course of action
with evidence
Word count: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 50 %
Referencing style: APA 7
References: should be after 2008 unless seminal piece of work
Font: Arial or Times New Roman 11 or 12
Spacing: 1.5 or double spacing
Steps to consider when developing your case study – develop some notes which:
Define the task
What is the context/background of the case study?
What appears to be the problem? (read the case and summarise in your own words what you initially understand to be the situation/problem/risks etc)
What do you know about the problem
What do you need to know? Use your notes to help you write your responses to the assessment questions
What does the literature say about indications for a deteriorating patient?
What are the signs and symptoms you might see? And when?
Some of you may be used to using PCCOC or other tools – AMBER
What is the timeframe and how might the multidisciplinary team see the signs and symptoms?