Borgeaud, Philippe (1979). Recherches sur le Dieu Pan. Geneva University. Burkert, Walter (1985). Greek Religion. Harvard University Press. Diotima, (2007), The Goat Foot God, Bibliotheca Alexandrina Kerenyi, Karl (1951). The Gods of the Greeks. Thames & Hudson. Laurie, Allison, "Afterword" in Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie, Signet Classic, 1987. ISBN 978-0-451-52088-3. Malini, Roberto (1998), Pan dio della selva, Edizioni dell'Ambrosino, Milano Ruck, Carl A.P.; Danny Staples (1994). The World of Classical Myth. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 0-89089-575-9. Vinci, Leo (1993), Pan: Great God Of Nature, Neptune Press, London